AL-MALIK is one of the names of Allah.
This ism was placed in Adam and from him into mankind and because of this ism now people can be malik or owner in this universe.
As a malik you own this earth and every single person has a right over it.
When people form a government, the president or prime minister becomes the caretaker of mulk (country). The land of the country is the right of its people and this land should be given to them as needed in a systematic way without any price. The land should not be given to a chosen few for trade and real estate business as is prevalent now a days.
The land belongs to people, all of its people from newborn to old. In fact as soon as a child is born , he or she can claim this right.
The government cannot sell this land to any single person , who in turn charges a hefty sum from them. This type of sale is not acceptable in Islam where one person or group or real estate owner exploits other and this is the reason for this warning :
“According to Muslim, Prophet (S.A.W) said, the man who will most deserving of Allah’s anger and most evil on the Day of Resurrection will be a man who was called Malik al-Amlaak. There is no King except Allah”.
And similarly government itself cannot take part in trade according to Islamic ethics.
When a measured land is given to its people according to law as agreed upon, it is upto its inhabitant what they build upon it according to there need, desire or economic position. Some may built a cottage, other wood house or a mansion. Sale can occur over this construction only, because you are ordered to work and earn.
Islam liberates you. People should be free to built over free land. They can earn as per the work over there land and not from land itself.
This is one example. Other things like water, air, space you should not own. Allah has made them for His people and they should be free.
So, the question is: how can there be malik and landlords and real estate owners in an Islamic country?
Is there any country in world acting on this Islamic principle?
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