A Book of Allah , for the mankind. A guidance. A remembrance. A manuscript. A software.
Everyone should benefit from this book even if you do not find inside yourself the remembrance of Allah. These are the people whose soul has forgotten this aspect although it is present inside them but they do not perceive.
When these people shine the light of intellect on their soul these forgotten areas remain in darkness and hence not visible to shinning intellect.
An advice to such people is that they should bent the intellectual light around the heart and modify this light so that it gets cold and luminescent and then the heart will bring that lost area of soul into the limelight. Then these people will clearly see the true narrative of Quran inside them.
Those people who remember Allah and His book inside them and acknowledge its presence should try to gather the intellectual light and make it work according to the written down manuscript inside them.
The first stage is to stand and acknowledge this presence. This becomes the ” qayyam” of prayer.
The second stage is to bent the light around . This becomes the “rukooh” of prayer.
The third stage is to make it work and submit to Allah order. This is “sajda” of prayer.
So you can read Quran from inside yourself and correct yourself, your soul accordingly. Or you can read Quran from outside, the external and make correction around you.
If you are the one who has no remembrance and also does not has outside correction don’t despair. Even then you are on Quran but through the route of denial and forgetfulness. Allah does not forget His servants and Has provided a route for correct remembrance for every single person on earth , it does not matter whether that person knows it or not.
So nothing is outside Quran. With everything in it , in a very compact way, it has simple direct orders and indirect ones which keep on repeating. But this repetition is manifested in a different way, every time. This leads to a variety of manifestations which are difficult to count.
If you can see all the people in the world at one single moment of time you will see full Quran in that moment. At the very next moment it will be scrabbled and manifested in a different way.
Now you choose whether to read a compact Book of Quran and start from simple direct orders or you start from outside world with all the various manifestations and be amazed.
If you read Quran you are a believer.
If you read outside world you are a believer.
The point is mankind can’t stop believing, it is inherent inside just like you see or hear or use your other faculties. The difference is whether you act on your belief or not. The second difference is whether you increase your belief or not. And then whether your belief reaches its higher station or not.
The believers of Quran have to prove their belief by work. If they work contrary to Quran they becomes criminals.
The Believers of outside world have to work to gain belief. If there work does not lead to proper belief they are nonbelievers.
So everyone is working to get there salvation, Allah has provided ways for everyone, you have to find your way by working on Quran.
We get back to square one. Everyone should read Quran. It protects you in this world and the next worlds.
Even if you don’t read Quran, remember it is being read over you.
Be reminded , you have the beginning in Quran and also the end in it.
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