لَا أُقْسِمُ بِيَوْمِ الْقِيَامَةِ
Quran is a unique Book. Each verse covers whole of a domain. It’s up to us to explore the limits of its meaning, understand it and apply it to our real life so that the meaning is translated in the world as is its due.
But first you have to ponder over it and extract the different meanings in different realities.
Above mentioned is the first verse of Surah Al Qiyaama.(Chapter 75)
It’s a prohibition. A warning. At the same time protection for believers, who take heed.
It combines space and time, both spatial and temporal correlation.
Days of Allah are encircling our space and at any one given moment, this temporal effects meets the spatial area and produce its results. This verse manifesting at this moment will make everything stand, rise, gives a higher call, divide, makes pacts, makes contracts, swear to each other, hardened, cruelty, darkness, compulsions, everything demanding its due or right. Because you will have to decide your action the verse tells you to turn down, decline and not to perform all these acts at the given time.
Stand up for your right — very true and justified, but not in the days coming as the end of times approaches. Anyone who will do so will repent or suffer loss not that he was wrong but as a consequence of his action. People will have cruelty and imbalance between them so they will not tolerate or accept the right of others. One who sits down or lay low will be rewarded in the afterlife for his patience and forgiving’s.
The way people will divide the bounties of Allah among themselves will be based on injustice and self-made laws, as we see nowadays all over the world, This self-made division of money will be justified by intellect which will craft a system devised to work in a particular way to benefit certain group. Don’t stand with them, don’t take part in their division may it be at cost of financial or monetary loss.
Sky scrapers will be erected based on the division of investment, sharing and distribution of money and land. Don’t invest or share with them.
People will stand in the name of deliverance, becoming messiah, calling toward themselves so as to make things right. Don’t support any one of them even in the name of goodness.
People will bind themselves in self-made contracts, bargains, and oaths. This will be their binding toward each other. Remember the only oath we have is toward Allah and HIS Book, Quran.
Every nation will stand for its right and thus war in various forms will be rampant. So don’t be led away by the slogan of nationality, patriotism and nationhood.
When everyone will be so hard, cruel, rigid toward each other, believer will be more humble, kind even if the other person is not so.
More and more children will be illegitimate, bastard, with no caretakers or parents. If they have parents, parents will not care for them because of moral and financial issues. So a believer will do well with less children or single child so that he won’t have to sacrifice his faith fir the sustenance of child.
These all versions of single verse hold true in its own domain. There can be many more depending on the situation at hand.
But one more relevant interpretation is needed. The verse tells us that all oaths, contracts, divisions, skyscrapers, groups, nations, progress, will be nullified on the actual day of judgement. No one will be able to stand up before Allah except with HIS permission.
This is only a glimpse of what a single verse of Quran can tell us and so much more if we really thought over it. So imagine what treasures whole of Quran holds. Just don’t read Quran as any other book. You can be saved even with a single letter or word of it. Because it’s a word of Allah.
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