حُرِّمَتْ عَلَيْكُمُ الْمَيْتَةُ وَالدَّمُ
Blood is composed of particles and was the initial creation of life. It is the closest to soul (nafs). As the particles circulate they create corresponding waves in soul.
If you take out blood, soul is weakened and thus you feel weak. You die by taking out much blood and you resuscitate by giving blood. All this has due effect on soul (nafs). This is why angels complained about it:
وَإِذْ قَالَ رَبُّكَ لِلْمَلَائِكَةِ إِنِّي جَاعِلٌ فِي الْأَرْضِ خَلِيفَةً قَالُوا أَتَجْعَلُ فِيهَا مَن يُفْسِدُ فِيهَا وَيَسْفِكُ الدِّمَاءَ
Due to its importance it is forbidden in Islam. Anything which is explicitly forbidden then it is forbidden in all its form. Thus it is forbidden to eat, drink, transfuse, or trade in it. It is forbidden as whole or in particles or its products. The money earned from blood or its products are not Halal.
One of the trick of devil is to change believe of people, make them believe that a Haram item is essential to use and for this it make logical conclusions.
As blood is life, devil in the name of science and medicine will let people know how to live longer and healthier, not to have aging, not to have dementia and so on until a person will be able to live up to 1000yr of age.
وَلَتَجِدَنَّهُمْ أَحْرَصَ النَّاسِ عَلَىٰ حَيَاةٍ وَمِنَ الَّذِينَ أَشْرَكُوا يَوَدُّ أَحَدُهُمْ لَوْ يُعَمَّرُ أَلْفَ سَنَةٍ
The longer you want to live the more healthy blood, young blood will be required and devil will tell you to take it from fetus and thus abortion rate will increase and they will trade for it. Similarly blood products and its particles like stem cell; immature cell will be used to synthesize various organs for trading, all in the name of medicine and welfare. Sooner or later doctors are going to prescribe blood and its products for healthy skin, healthy hairs, memory improvement and long life.
This will be a test for people with belief in Allah (Iman)
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