PART – II ( بيع) (الربا )
If you have understood the internal meaning of RIBA ( in PART- I / soul) you should be able to recognize all the external aspects of RIBA commonly known as interest / usury / sood.
This can occur in all the fields where people interact with each other but it is most prominent in the field of economics where people tend to capture other people by various means.
- Increased payment over debt – in this one person benefits from other by holding him under his contract and takes more than his due. This process further increases in circular debt.
- Leasing, mortgage and insurance – in all these one party benefits excess by holding people, binding them with contracts over deferred and prolonged installments thus benefiting themselves. They make different rules to control people. This is what is happening in real estate all over the world. Although both may benefit but this is classical example of RABB and MARBOOB ( lord and worshipers).
- Price manipulation and fixation – by this you manipulate people behavior and get extra benefit just by price fluctuation although no transaction has occurred but money is exchanged for money or item price is fixed or moved up or down voluntarily.
- Product control – a product is hoarded or black marketed for increased gain. A product is given under one control or person as the sole beneficiary.
Islam stands for freedom. People should be free and their activities, trade should be free so that each individual can contribute to society with full potential not subdued neither restrained.
People over people, an institute over people, a corporate over people, government over people, country over country or a world institution over a country should not control or become the RABB of each other but rather they should truly liberate each other and submit before only one Allah.
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