Since the beginning of time, humanity has kept on developing and progressing , thanks to new ideas, creativity and innovation. Without these it would be difficult to improve upon previous developments and this seems to be a never ending process. You keep getting surprised by the nature and you keep surprising yourselves by discovering new means.
Each time a new idea, law, innovation or discovery is made, you immediately name it and attribute this discovery to yourself.The name either belongs to the person responsible or a new name is created for the innovation.
In this process of development and progress you forget that this new creative process is not new and certainly not limited to yourself. This wonderful process has been going on for eons before you and will keep on going after all humanity perishes.
What is this “ creative process”?
You must remember that Allah is the originator of all that is visible and invisible. He is the One who manifest HIS creation to HIS creation. This happens by way of “ JAL”
“JAL” is the process of step wise descend and appearance of things in the respective layers of existence.
Now “JAL” is how a new idea , thought, or any thing appears in this world and in our inner world.
The first “JAL” is from Allah toward universal intellect. Every possible thing is manifested like a lightening in this universal intellect and it keeps on appearing there, from beginning to eternity.
From here “JAL” again happens. This time from universal intellect to every Name i.e. ISM. So each name/Ism then knows all what is possible in its domain.
From here, in the world of imagination these things are given form and hence in this world of imagination every “JAL” gets a form may it be an idea, thought or emotion.
Now for you, according to the capability and preparedness of your vehicle i.e. your intellect, these new forms are again converted into ideas, thought and then through you some of them appears in this world.
This is a repeated process , it never ends, sometime it is successful and sometime it fails all because of you. Because you are not ready to accept this all the time. For this is divine “tajalli” for you, Allah is called “JAL JALALAHU”
It is indeed surprising and disappointing to know how man forgets this process and start naming each thing believing that he has done something or has a new thought or a new idea or a new invention. He forgets Allah. He forgets that Allah has ordered it all the time but you were the limiting factor because of your unpreparedness, you forgot to remember Allah, and ascribed these new creations to yourself and this is why you will be asked about all these in the after world.
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