Quran is an absolute truth. Understanding your creation is a profound “ibadat-(عبادت). It is a duty of each and every abd (عبد)
Adam was created and said:
ولا تقربا هذه الشجرة
(Don’t go near this tree)
As earlier mentioned in previous post, the tree referred to was brain, because through the activity of brain you see the fruit of your effort.
But initially tree of brain was prohibited. Why?
فتكون من الظلمين
(You become zalim i.e. unable to maintain balance- عدل)
Thus alone brain is unable to ascertain the truth.
Believers still obey the initial command of Allah and stay away from brain activity. Hence you see believers’ mostly simple followers. Because of this believers do suffer a loss in this world and they are unable to compete with so called intelligent (people with brains) in this world. But in after world these believers will be ashab e yamin (right sided people) and enter the Jannah.
Non-believers have forgotten this prohibition. This forgetfulness is there kufr. So they make full use of brain activity and get all sorts of fruits and result in this world. But in doing so they create imbalance which ultimately leads to destruction of world. This zulm, this imbalance leads them to hell. These are ashab e shamal (left sided people)
The matter appear reversed in this world. Right handed people here are strong and working here and have control of most of the affairs of world. Right arm is controlled by left side of brain. Because these people create imbalance in world, used left side of brain, you can understand they ultimately belongs to left sided people.
Left arm is mostly weak one and controlled by right side of brain. These are unable to reach there ideals and belief. They don’t have the control of affairs. So when they reach the end they belong to right sided people.
There is another group of rare people. They remember the initial prohibition but because now there is no turning back, these people get engaged with brain activity, trying to correct it, calibrate it, and balance it according to Book of Allah. This is there salat (صلاة). This is there jihad (جهاد). If they fail, they are rewarded according to their effort. They can fall either way. They see both heaven and hell. They are walking a tight rope. If they succeed they are taken to new heights and they are called Arifeen (عارف). They are balancers, they have balanced both sides. If they ascend higher they are Muqarrib (مقرب), people who have been drawn near. Because Arifeen are on high grounds it so happens that even believers, the right handed one , sometime see them as non believer, while the non believers, the left handed one see them as believers.
So now your brain, your mind, your intellect can lead you to hell, mostly. However with Quran as your guide you can try to achieve nearness to Allah by using the same brain, same mind and same intellect, although it is rare. (قليلا اخرين)
Believers still obey the initial command of Allah and stay away from brain activity.
But isn’t this the root cause of callousness in muslim world? We have lagged behind in research and innovation.
Or else the above line holds some other meaning .
This is exactly so. so you see momin can lag behind in this world but never in the afterworld. To engage brain is definitely a high point but not for only wordly gains. brain has to ascend higher for afterworld.
“So they make full use of brain activity and get all sorts of fruits and result in this world. But in doing so they create imbalance which ultimately leads to destruction of world “.
Is it always the destruction? Dint we get some major breakthroughs in the world because of ppl who gave in everything to discover things …..do u think einstein, eddison created imbalance…..
It will be more appropriate to say that the only right balance is Allah Book. You see if one is not well versed with Allah book you create imbalance even if you do the right thing or you may think its the right thing to do.This question i will highlight in another post soon انشاء اللله
The Quran encourages us to think,observe and use our brain ( la’allakum ta’aqiloon).why do you think using brain is forbidden?
Quran is a Book for mind, heart , soul and all the different spheres and all the worlds.
In the beginning when Adam was created , it was FORE-KNOWLEDGE that foretold that use of this tree will lead to injustice and in the best interest of Adam at that time it was forbidden, not now. For now Shariat was given and guidance was given to make proper use of brain activity.
So why can’t the believers compete with the non believers.. is it always the case?what causes this imbalance?how do people ascend to the level of arifeen?
It is not so that believers cannot compete with non believers, but because you get what you believe, there is a problem. A kafir is a believer of his own ” nazar” i.e what he can see and is a nonbeliever of anything else.
A believer of Allah believes more in the unseen and thus he gets more in the unseen world of afterlife.
Ascension is purely Allahs domain. No one can do it himself although he or she can work for it.