Humanity had a start and it will have an end. All of us believe and know our origin, but how it will end, there are different opinions. It will be a catastrophe, annihilation, evolution or migration. There are many different opinions and to know for certain, how it ends, is difficult to predict.
The answer to this is really not farfetched and is very simple. You will end as what you believed in!
If a person believes in nothing, he rationally and scientifically believes and is certain that humanity began from nothing and it will end in nothing, he will end in nothing, he will end in darkness. This can occur to most respected scientific names, many of whom were prized and honored in this world. Such person intellect was unable to reach beyond the dark beginning, beyond big bang, and he got his reward on exactly the same level in which he believed in, that is this world.
The same fate will happen to all those who followed the above person till the end of times. They suffered because they blindly followed a person, made him an ideal or made his theory or equation a basis for the next step.
This is actually “kufr”. One of the meaning of “kufr” is darkness. So everyone who is satisfied in this world with an idea that we began from nothing, let him be prepared for nothing and darkness as his abode.
If a person has certainty and belief that humanity originated on a higher level, by a creator where there was light, he will end up in light. This can happen to even those people who are uneducated, whom nobody knows but there intellect was able to recognize that there is a creator who never lets go of His creation. The same fate will happen to all those who follow such a person.
These people will be able to gain light because of following “haqq”, because of following a Rasool.
This is akin to belief. So anyone who believe in the beginning by a creator, let him be prepared for light.
The amount of light such a person receives will vary according to his certainty.( يقين )
You must realize that Allah does not do injustice to His creation. Allah gave you exactly what you believed in, so no one should complain.
What will be the fate of world? The fate of the world can be determined at any instant by taking into account all the beliefs of people in the world and balancing them out. This is to say that if we can find the belief of all the billion people at any one instant, the next instant can be predicted. So why the world has not perished? It seems there are as much believers in light as there are believers in darkness hence the fate of world is kept in balance at all time. It also means what you believe in, matters all the time, at every instant.
Also note that belief is a fluid entity. It behaves like water. Its amount keeps on changing in every individual, believer or not, all the time. So it can happen that a Muslim may be at one instant in a nonbelieving state, a dark state and a Kafir be at one instant in a believer state. So no one can actually claim their belief by themselves at all the time. This is also the reason why amount of light will vary in the end because of how much time was spent in a belief or nonbelief state.
So we read the prayer:
ربنا اتمم لنا نورنا
(Our Lord complete our light for us)
As the day outweighs the night, so does a believer outweighs a nonbeliever. Hence it follows that one belief in light outweighs two belief in darkness. So don’t be surprised and don’t be saddened even if you see more disbelief or darkness in this world, a believer in light has more weight than the one in darkness.
Love it… we should all be hopeful and should strengthen our belief …the belief of light is a power we should obtain 🙂
Beautiful concept