When Adam was created all the Ism, names were fixed in him by order of Allah. Hence Adam was the first human on Islam that is Adam displayed the properties of As Salaam. He knew only one way of Islam till the time he was shown multiple other ways by deception of Iblis, the devil. Because these other ways arose by way of deception all of them has inherent deception in them although many of them may give you some benefit of ownership (ملك) or persistence (خلود). These all ways are referred as soo (سوء) meaning many and bad and working on them as (عمل سوء). As contrast to many the single path of Islam remains steady and is like unity or tauheed (توحيد) in the face of many ways. Thus none other way gives you unity except Islam. It follows that if you are not united you are not on Islam although you may claim or think otherwise.
From Adam this Ism, Name is inherent in all of humanity. So Islam lies at the core of humanity, in all of us irrespective of time, geographical location, ethnicity, heritage or creed.
What we all have to do is to remember it, bring it out from within the depth of our souls. Layer by layer our customs, ideals, education, our systems hide and cover this Islamic nature within us and all these layers have to be then peeled off to get our original way.
Thus to become Muslim i.e. to follow Islam is an effort which everyone has to make, this is his own effort, own fight, own Jihad.
The Book and Messengers help you in this effort, guide you on this way and in this regard becomes a remembrance.
If you find Islam within yourself it becomes your own Islam and you are transformed into a Muslim. This happens when you and your heart becomes safe, safe for all the humanity and the root words S- L- M makes your core. When you arrive with Islam in your heart, As SALAAM receives you and accepts you because this is what is demanded from every one of us. Quran:
وجاء بقلب سليم
(And came with safe, Islamic heart)
Do u believe a “normal ” practical muslim can reach this stage ,
As SALAAM receives you and accepts you because this is what is demanded from every one of us;
I wish u could explain this more
Actually this is one domain which is always possible i.e. your inner self. No one can take that from you. No one can stop you from being a true muslim.
The name of Allah accepts only those acts which are relevant to it. Its like you may do very good mathematics in a english paper ! It will not be accepted. In english paper only your english will be assessed. So every name of Allah accepts and assess you in its own relevant field.
A must read I shall be sharing this within my community surely MashaAllah