FAJR (الفجر)
O Lord
Let me rise, let me broaden, let me open up, let me shine.
Out of ignorance, out of darkness, out of confinement, out of limitation.
A fresh start, no repetition, a new look, a new hope, a bright look.
Let Quran be my evidence and let me be satisfied with it.
Let me create a paradise for myself and all the believers,
DHUHR (ظهر)
O Lord
Take me to the highest and brightest point, let me have clarity, let me make clear everything to everybody.
I have the final argument, I am out of ignorance.
Now, let me support, help and backup every good deed and every believer who works for safety and wellbeing. I do not support or lend any help to evil deed and non-believer who works to stop people from reaching You.
ASR (العصر)
O Lord
Make my belief complete and make me work in your way unwarily.
Now I reap the fruit, extract the benefits and reward for me and all the believers.
For everyone I leave only two advice:
Act righteously and give the right where it is due.
Show patience, forbearance, endurance and perseveration.
MAGHRIB (مغرب)
O Lord
My work is done, I have worshipped You and contributed to humanity as per my capacity.
Now everything is becoming deceptive and I must save my belief and acts. I have to bury them so that You, my Lord, bring forth new believers and new acts. I realize that my acts were not actually my acts. My buried belief is like a seed for new acts to born and hence the next generation will give evidence of it.
ISHA (العشاء)
O Lord
After all the effort I find still much ignorance and disbelief but this is not the right time, so let me hide, go deep, keep me far from darkness. My light dim but still can show the way if someone is willing to look up. Let me wait in silence, let me be a hope, let me be an inspiration for a new generation so that everyone should know Your glory.
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