Quran is Book of Allah. Each and every word is a command for believer. Also each and every word is a command for non-believer although a non-believer does not acknowledge it nor recognize it. When it’s a command for both then what’s the difference. The difference lies in the fact that through believers acts of belief are shown and through a non-believer acts of practicality and physically are shown.
This is a hard line, actually most of the people are in-between belief and non-belief, at one time believer and at other time a non-believer. This is because people don’t recognize different verses of Allah in all the diverse manifestations in this world.
Nowadays you will commonly find a Muslim saying that nonmuslims are doing better work, they have more justice, they have better characters, there model should be adopted in various modes of life etc. As this article is not about denial or judgement of this statement we take it as true.
You will also find some Muslims and nearly all the nonmuslims saying that believer just say the name of Allah, take to prayers, while if you see their work or character it is contrary and otherwise. Again we take it as true.
Actually this is all because of different verses displaying through people, may be a Muslim or nonmuslim, Allah has all the power over all of His creation. So, all the people acts like a Book of Allah. As the Book contains everything from heaven to hell you see people in all the shades of heaven and hell, reward and punishment, happy and sad and so forth.
A little explanation will help.
In Quran you read: امنو و اعملوالصالحات
(Belief and work correctly)
The word امنو is a command for believer and you see acts of belief.
The word اعملو is a command for work for all the people and they perform all sort of work, good or bad.
The word الصالحات is a command for all but only corrected ones and both Muslims and nonmuslims can do correction.
A more explanation. If a person is killed in today’s Muslim countries where judiciary is not strong, many persons let go of the killer, whatever the reason, believing that day of judgement will come and they display sabr (صبر), patience. So you can say that this person displayed the word of sabr, patience, at that time. By doing this the judgement is delayed, world is given more time, people are given more time to correct themselves. The people of other nonmuslim countries ma say that it is injustice but they don’t realize the full picture because they disbelieved in Allah and day of judgement.
Now if a person is killed in developed countries, justice is served, and they are praised for it. They have displayed work and correction under the command: عمل الصالح
While swift justice is commendable, this act is more on physical level as it has been done on physical level and this level is below the level of belief act i.e. sabr.
Because a person displayed sabr only because of his belief in Allah, Allah will reward him and you read: ان اللله مع الصابرين
The other person with corrected work did well but if he is a nonbeliever he is given justice in this world because he didn’t believe in Allah or day of judgement.
So don’t get swayed by different models of developed nations, hold on to emaan and don’t look down upon the people who simply pray and take the name of Allah. Sometimes the final outcome is not according to your desire.
And don’t take the name of Allah lightly, He is Almighty, the ONE.
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