Earth is created out of matter, physical matter, the one which has been ordered to display the verses of Allah so that every particle becomes a sign, every object conveys a meaning and every living being teaches you something, for your benefit.
You inherited this earth in its natural state and slowly it taught you, guided you to improve yourself and your surroundings.
Earth inspires you.
Its landscapes shows you how a solid ground is required to establish any work so people can roam freely across it. It shows you vastness of soul, to accommodate all, provide space to all and support them.
Its mountains, lofty peaks, speaks of strength of character, strong foothold, and stability so that everyone can rely on you. It inspires you of high ambitions and goal.
Its rivers flowing smoothly shows you gentleness and kindness, provision for all, a lifeline of supply, modifiable and adjustable, to accommodate as required.
Its oceans, a reservoir of treasures, knowledge, required to sustain a smooth and friendly environment. Its depth gives depth to your words and their meaning, understanding.
Its nights, demonstrates your ignorance, your denial and blindness to the truth.
Its days, inspires you to acquire knowledge, illumination, brightness of intellect, and need to uncover the truth.
Its air, shows you gentle movement, transportation, waves to carry and life support provision.
Its rain inspires you with mercy for all, supply for all, reminds you of your fall and then reemergence
Its living beings from micro to macro, from insects to animals, birds, all show you different aspects of movement, air travel, living, mechanization, medicinal and various other fields essential for you.
So earth has inspired humanity for millennia, but what you do with this inspiration?
You change the landscape and destroy vastness, then you complain of congestion.
You flatten the mountains so now no one rely on each other.
You change the river beds, drain them and then suffer from poverty.
You darn the oceans and slowly the knowledge is gone.
You pollute the air so instead of life support, it support various forms of diseases.
All the creatures which demonstrated to you various fields of mechanization and progress, the same are used to destroy them so none is left, and a vast part of it is lost.
Don’t you see how you lost inspiration when you changed your earth?
Earth is a book of Allah, an ayat, verse, an inspiration, those who deny it, change it are sure to doom.
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