NAZAR (نظر)
And the devil, Iblis, requested only one thing when it was being banished:
قَالَ أَنْظِرْنِي إِلَىٰ يَوْمِ يُبْعَثُونَ
The request was obviously granted by Allah.
Our vision consists of many forms and types. Nazar, to see, is a necessary part of our human perception, perhaps the most important one, but Quran tells us that this function “to see the things and world around us” is the request granted to devil at the time when it gained access to our souls.
So we may be correct in assuming that this type of vision, nazar, is not the true property of our soul but rather an acquired one, given to soul for a time and because this quality is innate and inherent in devil, every nazar, what we see has deception of devil in it.
The form of vision inherent in our soul belongs to one of the names of Allah, which Allah bestowed upon humanity soul is “Basar” from “Al-Basir” and this vision is all inclusive and more delimited and vast than the one given to devil “nazar”.
If we realize the essential difference between these two forms of vision you should understand why Prophet Moses was unable to “see” Allah when he requested for vision of Allah because his wish was to see Allah:
وَلَمَّا جَاءَ مُوسَىٰ لِمِيقَاتِنَا وَكَلَّمَهُ رَبُّهُ قَالَ رَبِّ أَرِنِي أَنْظُرْ إِلَيْكَ
Because he wished for nazar, and Quran tells us that nazar is not one of the names of Allah, so no one can approach Allah other than what HE has granted to you and you may approach HIM with Al-Basir and Basar. Had his wish be granted, the devil would have also gained access through nazar, but it has been decreed that devil and its associate will not be able to withhold the vision of Allah till HE permits so.
So what does the “nazar” do?
Nazr, is part of our vision to immediately see what is near to us i.e. the world around us, being limited we have to use certain means to enhance it but whatever we do we cannot look behind some distance, rather the distance we see is a creation of nazar, so whenever we see something we measure it in distance or if in space we measure it in time. This brings us to another problem of nazar, it let you wait, so the devil makes you wait, it shows you that things are far away but may not be so if we use other form of vision.
Another deception is that the ONE nearest to us is Allah, while the devil, the nazar makes it appear to you that it’s far away. So people don’t see Allah nearest to them and the time of meeting with Allah closest to them, but they don’t see!
Because this nazar is not the inherent property of soul, soul dislikes it and for this reason people don’t like to wait, maybe this can explain behavior of people when one dislike waiting lines, long ques, traffic jams, delayed and credit payments because all of them lets the soul to wait.
What about our scientific observation most of which is due to vision and rely on Nazar? You use the tool of devil and deny your own creation in the name of science so certainly the science is not going to save you from the torment of soul.
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