You sacrifice nothing but your soul.
Every sacrifice needs a knife. Intellect is the knife for your soul. Without intellect you don’t know why sacrifice is being done, for what purpose and for what end. It is ignorance. A mindless sacrifice.
Soul has all the domains, good or bad, pure and impure. Again without intellect you don’t know which part of soul is to be sacrificed.
Allah accepts the part of soul which is pure, strong and righteous.
Don’t you see Prophet Ibrahim (A.S) was ready to sacrifice, when his son was of right age and full of vigor and strength?
This part of soul which is ascribed as MUTTAQI has an affinity for, attachment toward Allah and hence Allah has HIS – HUB, LOVE – attached to it.
HUB leads your soul to transcend, travel to higher domain, higher aim, and higher vision.
When you cut off this part of soul and it has this affinity, it is taken up, it rises and travel toward its real destination, toward the REAL and with any good luck, its other side retains its original connection toward the rest of soul that is in you.
Now when your body expires and your soul is free from this body, the part of soul you sacrificed remembers its connection to you and pulls you toward itself and hence toward Allah because the sacrificed soul has the permanence and HUB toward Allah, and this becomes a HUB, a path for you toward Allah.
So that’s how your sacrificed soul becomes a salvation for the rest of your soul.
But have you ever wondered what the sacrifice means without a soul, without its HUB characteristics? It becomes a show, a physical caricature only which has no affinity toward Allah and it does not lead you anywhere?
After all Allah accepts only MUTTAQI:
إِنَّمَا يَتَقَبَّلُ ٱللَّهُ مِنَ ٱلْمُتَّقِينَ
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