Now a days with numerous diseases, we are constantly searching for cause of illness so that by removing that cause a person can be cured and thus we go down the same old road of cause and effect. This is not entirely wrong if we understand the levels by which various illnesses are removed from humans.
the name of Allah through which shifa (healing) is given.
- Shaf basically refers to shift, exchange or shuffle.
- By virtue of this name your soul has the capacity to shuffle the illness.
- This is shared by our common soul, one soul.
- Because everything in universe has a soul, this is shared between them irrespective of their forms. It can be words, living being, water, stone, metal or wood etc.
so when a person is healed from illness, his disease is shuffled from body to soul. This soul can be his own, or to some other person soul, or to the soul of any material object.
because this world is domain of cause and effect, this cause/effect is made by humans and stitched to the soul so we see that same effect is obtained again and again and we say that medicine is working.
- because the disease is shuffled, if a person heals another person gets ill somewhere else.
- if a soul is pure the disease is shuffled to common soul where the illness may be transferred to non living objects.
- if a soul is very pure, al quds, the disease is shuffled to higher domain and lifted from this world.
by this we come to know that only those persons should become healers who has pure souls otherwise the diseases will keep on shuffling in this world and thus keep on increasing and this is what we see now a days.
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