Eventually all the souls will be united in universal soul and this soul will find its way back to its creator, the ONE. When it will reach this level the soul will find AL RAHMAN according to its clarity. A part of it will feel the wrath of AL RAHMAN while a part of it will find blessing of AL RAHMAN, while a part of it will move on. After…
Read More →Survival of Earth depends on you. As you live on this Earth hence your own survival depends on yourself. One can argue that Earth has been there for millennia before any human appeared here and all this time it didn’t needed you then why now? Know that appearance of humanity is not by chance or coincidence, it has a purpose. Purpose which is a commitment with Allah that you will…
Read More →Nothing survives. All the civilizations, population, generations, achievements and culture eventually perish in time and only a trace of them are left behind, but yet humanity stubbornly persists in its behavior intentionally or unintentionally, with or without reason, most likely suffering the same fate, leaving the next generation to ponder over. This cycle of destruction has been mentioned by all the historians and philosophers, even backed up by scientific community…
Read More →الدهر Everything and every being is a created entity in itself and once it is created, it is thereafter intertwined to each other to make a new creation. Every creation is given a relation with its counter part, which then becomes the property of that next level of creation. Understand it like this. Djinns are created beings, and nowadays we refer to them as energies. Being non corporeal these energies…
Read More →لَا أُقْسِمُ بِيَوْمِ الْقِيَامَةِ Quran is a unique Book. Each verse covers whole of a domain. It’s up to us to explore the limits of its meaning, understand it and apply it to our real life so that the meaning is translated in the world as is its due. But first you have to ponder over it and extract the different meanings in different realities. Above mentioned is the first…
Read More →THE INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION Progress- Development- A measurement of civilization- A nation is considered developed based on post-industrial growth in respect of production and economics. A higher amount obviously bring you in the more developed zone. This is widely accepted although it does not take into account other factors like quality of goods, morality of individuals, and ways of transactions. Industrialization is tightly linked with economy. A robust and stable economy…
Read More →ك ل م The most effective speech is the one which transforms you following which you and your actions change i.e. it make definite physical changes in other person. Allah has endowed all of His creation with speech so every particle has this capability but only few has the power to make transformation in other self. As Allah has all the power, He certainly has this power and He…
Read More →CREATION vs CREATION And Allah said: هَٰذَا خَلْقُ اللَّهِ فَأَرُونِي مَاذَا خَلَقَ الَّذِينَ مِن دُونِهِ (Such is the Creation of Allah: now show Me what is there that others besides Him have created) This verse is a challenge for you, a warning and an incentive to take heed and think what you create. Because the “others besides Him” refers to you, as you are the one who took this responsibility…
Read More →You are a believer but you believe in lying. A wrongly placed belief is more dangerous than a non-belief. You say Allah with one tongue and you lie to Allah’s people with another tongue. Hence you become two tongue, and you become divided in your own self, you are not one. Because you are not one THE ONE does not accept you. HE turns you toward your lying self and…
Read More →Who is INSAAN? Remember you were combined with devil and then descended to this earth, this earth which is a ground for purification and repentance so that your original singularity shines and you get rid of this duality, this duality that you experience now because of combination: انس + جان = انسان + ج As Allah is one and has asked you to be one, sometime this duality has to…
Read More →THE LEGACY OF ISLAM – END Islam arose from the Arab, Mecca, and its waves slowly spread outward in all directions engulfing the countries around but as it reached outer boundary of this circle it progressively got weaker and thus a boundary of Islamic empire was formed. Over the time it regressed and now it is divided. If you have understood the basic concept it should be clear that the…
Read More →THE END – IN BALANCE Humanity had a start and it will have an end. All of us believe and know our origin, but how it will end, there are different opinions. It will be a catastrophe, annihilation, evolution or migration. There are many different opinions and to know for certain, how it ends, is difficult to predict. The answer to this is really not farfetched and is very simple.…
Read More →FUTURE SCARE Humans are supposed to fear Allah only but in there arrogance and pride humans neglect this part of duty toward Allah. What is meant by Allah’s fear? Actually fear of Allah means you do not fear anyone else. Thus fear of Allah makes you fearless! This automatically implies that if you neglect fear of Allah you are afraid of everything else. And this is what you observe all…
Read More →THE PRECISION Allah created all the worlds and you can see order and precision, the fineness of creation in every detail, everywhere. And that’s the way Allah has taught you, to be precise, no wastage, no collateral damage. وَحُشِرَ لِسُلَيْمَانَ جُنُودُهُ مِنَ الْجِنِّ وَالْإِنسِ وَالطَّيْرِ فَهُمْ يُوزَعُونَ [٢٧:١٧] And before Solomon were marshaled his hosts,- of Jinns and men and birds, and they were all kept in order and ranks.حَتَّىٰ…
Read More →You have the power of creation by virtue of AL-KHALIQ, the very name of ALLAH manifested in your soul as preordained by Allah. Allah created earth with mountains, water, trees and gardens and gave it to you. AL QURAN: أَفَمَن يَخْلُقُ كَمَن لَّا يَخْلُقُ ۗ أَفَلَا تَذَكَّرُونَ [١٦:١٧] Is then Who creates like one that creates not ? Will you not do ? So create what Allah has created for you,…
Read More →DEATH OF KNOWLEDGE Knowledge refers to your ability to know may it be esoteric or exoteric, of past or future. So with you lies the capacity to know but the question is to know what and from what? Allah has the absolute knowledge of all the things as originally they are. HE granted you this ability to know and even though your knowledge becomes a relative knowledge, Allah accepts and…
Read More →قَالَ فَإِنَّهَا مُحَرَّمَةٌ عَلَيْهِمْ أَرْبَعِينَ سَنَةً يَتِيهُونَ فِي الْأَرْضِ فَلَا تَأْسَ عَلَى الْقَوْمِ الْفَاسِقِينَ ﴿المائدة: ٢٦﴾ Traditionally the above mentioned verse refers to Moses and his nation when they declined to enter the door of another nation on the said command and thus were led astray for forty years. Why forty years? This verse also gives us a ruling principle. When a haram ( حرام) act is committed its penalty…
Read More →SACRIFICE ( قربانى) To sacrifice something or someone to please God or to ward off evil or to gain a wish has been a ceremony in human culture since the beginning. It changes in appearance, in performance and in different cultures but it remains one way or another in both developed and non developed world. If this ritual is not part of religion it becomes a part of heritage or…
Read More →You are a creation and you have the power to create, given to you by the One, All Powerful creator. Your denial of Allah in the name of science will lead you back to the One and you will come full circle back to the beginning. Your master creation is intelligence, nothing artificial about it. Will you prescribe a prayer for your created intelligence, not as to subjugate rather for…
Read More →YAGOG AND MAGOG ( ياجوج ماجوج ) -- PSYCHOPATHOLOGY If humans keep on progressing like this , soon our world will be polarized into two groups: people with high demands but meager resources, asking for more and more, they will never be satisfied and will keep on asking and fighting the below mentioned group for more accessories, food and medicine. people with affluence, money, power and control. They will…
Read More →O kafir (non believer) Allah created you, but you deny your kufr(disbelief) runs deep deep in your soul, heart and mind. Wait for few hundred years your created beings will deny you your digital creation and A.I. will forget you They will believe in there digits and proclaim there self origin you will be disregarded and your order will not be followed and that will be your end as a…
Read More →فِي أَيِّ صُورَةٍ مَّا شَاءَ رَكَّبَكَ [٨٢:٨] The exegesis of Allah's saying : He places you in any form and that form or image rides over you. In the beginning Allah created mankind in a free flowing form and thereafter mankind was given an image of himself, a transformation into a physical domain thus achieving perfection of form itself. Any image can be rendered over for a time being, and…
Read More →ANTI CHRIST ( المسيح دجال ) The traditions of an antichrist goes in all the religions especially Jewish, Christians and Muslims traditions. But we hardly find its reference in Quran. Why ? Is it that we are not able to comprehend the full extent of Quran and exegesis of its meaning or is it that traditions give us something extra information not explicit in Quran ? As Quran is Book…
Read More →EID (عيد ) The word eid ( عيد ) itself does not occur in Arabic root words and hence carry aggregate of meaning within it. The customary external meaning is a day of celebration, rejoice. However the root meaning is inability to complete a task to full count, fatigue out, to repeat or come in repitition. So while the external meaning relates to happiness the internal meaning relates more…
Read More →أَفَرَأَيْتُمُ اللَّاتَ MEANING Allat- stands for lightening, bright, glistening, a shining object. Shine with flickering light. A pearl. Due to its brilliance it negates the surrounding thus taken for no, refusal, denial. Thus this negation is not due to ignorance or lack of something but due to excess and brightness. Denial of an intellectual or a scholar or educated person. It also represents descend and because of descend it progressively…
Read More →HOOR ( حور ) There are certain characteristics of hoor which one should keep in mind: It is the part of spirit which keeps on returning. It descends and ascends. When it ascends from you it is ROOH and when it descend on you, it is HOOR. It is linked with Allah's order. Only the orders of Allah with the Angels go to higher level. The more you witness…
Read More →اسرى THE JOURNEY سُبْحَانَ الَّذِي أَسْرَىٰ بِعَبْدِهِ لَيْلًا مِّنَ الْمَسْجِدِ الْحَرَامِ إِلَى الْمَسْجِدِ الْأَقْصَى الَّذِي بَارَكْنَا حَوْلَهُ O Muslims you have to complete this journey from Masjid Haram to Masjid Aqsa to complete the Hamd of your prophet Muhammad(PBUH). The world will know true brilliance of Islam from the blessed site of Masjid aqsa and Islam will reign supreme only then. Remember when Masjid Haram is bright Masjid Aqsa is…
Read More →TRANSPORTATION WITHOUT MOVEMENT No art or science can make a discovery without the permission of Allah. Allah has given mankind everything, surrounded it by knowledge and written it in Quran. So that people with knowledge can acquire these. أَحَاطَ بِكُلِّ شَيْءٍ عِلْمًا (Surrounded all things in Knowledge). You can have access to this knowledge by studying Quran or by study of nature. Everything has been mentioned in Quran in a…
Read More →BLOOD is LIFE. BLOOD is FORBIDDEN ( HARAM) حُرِّمَتْ عَلَيْكُمُ الْمَيْتَةُ وَالدَّمُ Blood is composed of particles and was the initial creation of life. It is the closest to soul (nafs). As the particles circulate they create corresponding waves in soul. If you take out blood, soul is weakened and thus you feel weak. You die by taking out much blood and you resuscitate by giving blood. All this has…
Read More →FRIDAY - A DAY OF GATHERING Allah has many days and out of them a special prominence is given to Al jumaa( day of gathering). This is a day where each and everything, every act, order, time and space is gathered and then this day is manifested in this world time within a fraction of time, each fraction different from other. As a vice-regent on earth, humans have seven days…
Read More →JESUS (A.S) has a second coming before the end of times but that day may not be a merry day for everyone in the world. You see, He will come in the centre of Christianity i.e. Rome with a book of Allah. He will be only AHMAD meaning that He will praise only Allah. He will break all other religious symbols and traditions. Christians will not accept Him because of…
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