Every living being has a life cycle. The organisms whether bacteria or virus has a life cycle. If you interrupt the life cycle at any level, that organism whether bacteria or virus is likely to die or lose its capacity to propagate.
Take malaria as an example. A parasite inside mosquitoes. Mosquitos breed in ponds and humid places. If they bite humans parasite is transmitted to them and can cause infection. From human blood then mosquitoes take these parasite, further breed in wet conditions and then spread the malarial parasite to other humans. There are multiple steps in this life of malarial parasite where it can be interrupted and you can stop the spread of parasite. You can kill mosquitoes, you can protect yourself by mosquito repellent, you can destroy breeding places, kill the parasite and so on. All acceptable as long as you can protect a self, a human. But is there an optimum way? A balanced way?
Now apply the same reasoning on viral epidemics. A viral life cycle can be interrupted at various levels. Most recent viral epidemics including SARS, MERS and COVID-19 are bird flu viruses. When out of their breeding places like in poultry farms they infect humans and can cause illness. Because in breeding farms, breeding is accelerated and multiplied so more rapid viral propagation. Obviously you can lock down yourself to stay away but this comes at a dearest cost and many people suffer due to social and economic blockade. So what is the optimum way?
Quran has all the answers. It follows that Allah has made four months as holy in which no life should be taken. No war. No killing. Not even animal life except for sea life. Arabs has designated Rajab, Dhil qaddah, dhil hajj and Muharram as four holy months. If any nation accept these or make four holy months according to their own calendar, okay. If for four months every year poultry farms and other animal slaughter houses and factories are closed, the life cycle of many viruses, bacteria and parasites will be interrupted at animal stage before passing to humans. Thus humans will get the benefit of following Allah order in this world and also the next world.
But unfortunately no one interrupts the life cycle at animal level but tries to stop it at human level and in this process suffers a loss of both the world.
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