And Allah said:
هَٰذَا خَلْقُ اللَّهِ فَأَرُونِي مَاذَا خَلَقَ الَّذِينَ مِن دُونِهِ
(Such is the Creation of Allah: now show Me what is there that others besides Him have created)
This verse is a challenge for you, a warning and an incentive to take heed and think what you create. Because the “others besides Him” refers to you, as you are the one who took this responsibility of creation when you took the ISM, the Name of God, AL-KHALIQ.
Since ancient and may be prehistoric times people have been creating while living on this earth, creating the necessities of life, from personal items to home accessories, building cities, roads, living spaces, art, entertainment and technological devices etc., all the things you are surrounded with, and if we calculate for 5000yrs, many trillions of people have gone by, having done all there created work, it is surprising how little of it is left for us to observe now. If today we add up all the archaeological sites with their items discovered of whole world they will hardly amount to size of a large city of today. That is what humanity has created and what left of it over thousands of year!
What remains unchanged? Sky and the heaven, Earth with all its glory, mountains, trees, sea and rivers, every sort of creature and animals and most important YOU. But all this is not your creation. Rather surprisingly, you go against this creation to change it and you proudly boost about it also. Look around in your cities how you have replaced the natural earth with cemented, tiled and metallic earth. All the material taken from earth but remember the earth will claim it back one day and no trace of it will be found by next generation or very little of it. Yet you like to persist as such.
Another odd fact is that you propagate against your own creation. You limit population, you limit yourself, and you try to make a robotic self as a new creation and you don’t like to create your own self, rather you preach against it. Yet humanity persists and your technological creations are nowhere to seen even though our previous generations were far advanced. Another failure of your creation is that you don’t create in pairs, so your creation is an end in itself and cannot propagate making it a dead end as if your creation is dead from its start.
Think. Create but create what Allah has shown you. If you had followed Allah you would be creating humanity, creating real life creatures, building mountains and rivers and one day even creating earth and skies.
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