THE EASY MONEY. ( الميسر)
Allah has given clear guidelines in His Book – Quran for all mankind and for all times.
In Arabic the word “ maiser” commonly translated as “ gambling” is used. Though gambling is one form of “ maiser” the actual meaning of “ maiser” do imply more than this.
AL MAISER ( الميسر ) means the easiness, money earned through easiness, without effort or struggle. Another aspect is to get money from hidden means. It also imply that do not get despair, keep on trying and it pushes you to make further effort to get more, don’t rely and sit on your or your forefather laurels. Thus this word makes a balance between no effort and effort. It compels you to strive for more, openly and with hope, positive attitude.
So earnings in any form for which you have not strived is forbidden in Islam. In this way a Muslim will be one who earns his income through effort, hard work, practice and patience. He is not looking for easy ways or covert means. He is not trying to benefit from effort or money of other people. A Muslim does not fraud or use deceptive means.
Hence all form of gambling, lottery , commission, price fluctuations , price bonds, insurances, shares, stock exchange, money interchange, hidden charges, taxes, hidden tax, fraudulent transactions, withholding tax or commodity to raise price, are prohibited in Islam.
Don’t be deceived by external appearance of transactions. Look at yourself whether you have worked for it or not.
Even charity is easy money and not halal for anyone who does not need it.
Look at the corporate sector how they rip off people money by just changing the price over time.
See the real estate how they fraud by buying land for a paltry amount and then charge heavily from people and that too on interest.
See the government how they have been mislead by devil that it can tax people as and when and whatever amount required.
Do they not read Quran or do they not understand it. Are they not afraid of Allah that they will have to answer before HIM.
A Muslim life should be a struggle, a struggle in the way of Allah not only for himself but for his fellow beings
Read Quran understand it, change your ways accordingly and be from the one who obeys Allah.
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