In Quran, FISQ is mentioned as a sin and one who performs it is called FASIQ. It is translated as sin but what type of sin it is that’s need an explanation.
FISQ commonly refers to dates which are fully ripened and filled with pulp so much so that it burst open showing its seed (kernel).
So a FASIQ is one who grows upon you and slowly keep on accumulating more than what is required so much so that he has no more space left for storage. He keeps on storing although it may rot and be of no use to other but he does not let go of it.
In this regard being obese is fisq because you have more than what your body requires. Because obesity is a physical problem you are punished at physical level with various illnesses and problems.
On a higher level of soul, you have a desire for more. More and more to keep and accumulate. May it be power or wealth. A fasiq is never satisfied. One who hoards is a fasiq. A person who slowly drains a system with little contribution toward it is a fasiq. To drain out from earth its resources is FISQ and the persons doing this is fasiq. So you see such persons keep lot for themselves and give little to other people and that too for a cost. The reality was that earth should not have been drained because you were not the one who made those resources. The maximum you can get away with it that you keep the cost of what you have invested for draining the resources and leave the resources free for people but no. You do exactly the opposite. Not only you claim the ownership, you keep a price for it and you fluctuate the price as you wish. You can clearly see this phenomena in all the mining industry and petroleum industry.
You see similar behavior in business and corporate sector. The whole system is so designed that it keeps for itself more than it gives away. If you have any idea of ZAKAT concept of Islam it is exactly opposite because zakat requires you to give away and empty yourself.
On a further higher level FISQ means to go out from the order of ALLAH, stretch it out and expand it so that you are outside the sphere of AL-GHAFIR. To know the boundaries of Allah command is must so you avoid going out of it knowingly or unknowingly.
If you keep on doing FISQ you end up in KUFR eventually because you are so outside the sphere and so far from Allah command that it is no longer visible to you and you are lost in darkness.
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