Allah chooses from HIS creation what HE wills. There are people whom Allah has chosen for some task in this world. They have different categories and levels. Some may not agree and say Allah has no need of anyone. Although true but Allah also said in Quran:
قل الحمد للله وسلم على عباده الذين اصطفى
(Praise be to Allah and peace upon His servants whom He has chosen)
One of the category is of “Abdaal” (ابدال).
واذ شئنا بدلنا امثالهم تبديلا
(When We will, change their image, complete change)
Allah has full authority to change, here better suitable word for Abdaal is substitute.
Now these are the people who may or may not know themselves what is there status, even they know they cannot disclose it. However some of the characteristics marks them:
They are believers (مومن)
They generally occupy common position among there group or nation, so they walk around as common people (رجال).
Their hallmark is honesty and truthfulness (صدق) so much so that even their adversaries acknowledge their truthfulness.
They carry out social and welfare work. Their occupation mostly is related to physical or spiritual wellbeing of people like doctor or teacher.
They are constantly in flux, in change. There interior and exterior appearance differ with time.
They follow the way of Allah and in these ways they keep on shifting.
Because Allah has chosen them, through them Allah changes the landscape, sometime nations. They are able to bring this change because of their sheer belief, will and their prayer. As a result sooner or later another one is substituted who practically acts on that belief. One abdaal belief leads to action in other abdaal.
They have the ability to change a bad or evil act into a beautiful or righteous act. Hence they bring out emaan from kufr. Actually abdaal themselves may not be good from beginning.
فاولئك يبدل اللله سيئاتهم حسنات
(These are Allah substitute from evil to good)
When they are substituted, they can make a difference (فرقان)
But once Allah gives them this status, Abdaal does not turn back to old ways
لا تبديل لكلمات
They give new interpretation of Allah verses.
So Abdaal (ابدال) walk on this earth, constantly being substituted in themselves and among themselves. They bring mercy to people, they are able to bring out hope and belief and at the same time they can change a nation for better (even if it means destruction of nation). They are verse of Allah till the end of times.
It is written so beautifully that I cannot help not to read it twice… it satisfies the core
One quick suggestion, i think it would be a good idea to add the Quranic Verse Surah and Ayat numbers
Otherwise everything is perfect 🙂 <3