Imagine a clean and large cloth, well woven, swirling around, round and round, never ending.
It is smooth, shiny, without any stitch, knot or any defect.
Such is your SOUL.
Every time you intend something, or you make agreement, or contract or promise, a KNOT is tied in this cloth, your soul.
All your life these knots keep on accumulating and these knots represents how you had been or how you will act, because no matter what, your internal way is described by these knots. Thus they represent your behavior, your way or your deen i.e religion.
Example- A businessman has his way and respective knots and he tends to follow these knots or contracts in his daily life. A service person makes a knot or contract with his employer.
You can have legal, moral or ethical contracts in the same way.
These knots acts like a connection, a sort of entanglement between two or more souls. If you have to untie these knots you have to recompense or patch the defect in soul.
This is the reason why religion prescription asks you to feed someone, or to fast if you break a contract.
If you understand these knots in your soul , know that some knots have been tied by you, and some you have inherited from previous generations.
One of the cornerstone of faith / Emaan / believer is to dissolve all previous knots. This is an active and slow process
After the clearance you can have a state of BIRR, a free and clear soul.
Over this you tie knots of only Allah’s order and when your acts follow over these knots you become Muslim.
A Muslim thus has only one order, one law and that is Islam.
So dissolve your all knots, be clear and then rewrite Islam over your soul.
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