Reference Hadith:
فَقَالَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم ” إِنَّ أَصْحَابَ هَذِهِ الصُّوَرِ يُعَذَّبُونَ يَوْمَ الْقِيَامَةِ، وَيُقَالُ لَهُمْ أَحْيُوا مَا خَلَقْتُمْ
Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) said, “The makers of these pictures will be punished on the Day of Resurrection, and it will be said to them, ‘Give life to what you have created (i.e., these pictures).
Allah has given Ism (names) to humans, out of which one is – AL MUSAWWIR ( shape/picture maker).
You are required to use these names and benefit from them like discussed earlier that we use AL RAHEEM for mercy and so on. So how come use of Ism Al Musawwir be prohibited?
The answer lies that Rasool (Prophet) thinks best for all the people to come and in this regard stops them from certain acts as part of wisdom.
Know that every Ism acts as your lord (Rabb). The Ism requires perfection. You look at yourself and see this perfection. When you make a picture which is obviously imperfect as it is not alive, you are answerable to your lord, the Ism i.e Al Musawwir. The more imperfect the picture, farther are you from your lord and you are punished for this imperfect picture.
Keeping this view in mind, two persons will not be punished. One who refrains from pictures because he never used that Ism. The other one is who makes the perfect picture. But making the perfect picture is not an easy task and has not been accomplished till now, because it requires life for perfection. Life itself needs angels who do not enter in imperfection.
So you are punished for imperfection. Prophets tells you an easy way to escape this punishment by not volunteering to make pictures.
So think and obey Prophets as they are your best well wishers.
Before the end of times a true believer will abstain from pictures and a true Muslim will make the perfect picture.
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