Since the day of its creation, the universal soul of humanity is trying to find its way back to Allah. Once created on a higher ground it fell to lowest of low, in darkness, in abyss, forgetting all but except for a deep inside, a tiny flame, a longing persisted and that very tiny impulse motivated it again , to rise higher, a way back to its creator.
This deep desire no matter how small, got reflected in whole of the humanity and everywhere we see humans making efforts to get back to the origin. May it be a philosophical question of existence, or a biological thought of origin of life or physical creation of universe. Not only it is reflected in their thought but every action since birth reflects this desire, this love, this attraction for a higher version of their own self. From infancy to adulthood human grow not only physically but on various planes of existence, the soul keep on searching for its creator and in this way the soul attaches itself to various objects. Initially it attaches itself to other voices, other soul which have passed away earlier, some soul remain stuck at this level while others move on. Throughout its life soul attaches itself to various objects some naturally occurring some self-made but its thirst never stop to find its creator, though some soul remain at this level. The more higher soul radiate but most of them remain lost in this blazing glory, at every level the soul thinks that it has reached its destination and attaches itself to that level, making God heads everywhere. They bind to their godhead with a force of attraction remaining in that orbit all there life. Only if they knew that it was their own limitation, their own limitation of knowledge.
Thus when you see people worshipping anything of imagination, of physical or intellectual nature don’t be sad and don’t be in despair they are all trying to reach the original destination although most of them get stuck somewhere along the road.
Read Next – Kitabulmaknoon/the END/soul and creator II
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