ANTI CHRIST ( المسيح دجال )
The traditions of an antichrist goes in all the religions especially Jewish, Christians and Muslims traditions. But we hardly find its reference in Quran. Why ? Is it that we are not able to comprehend the full extent of Quran and exegesis of its meaning or is it that traditions give us something extra information not explicit in Quran ?
As Quran is Book of Allah and a complete Book , one like to believe that it is our inability to get to the full meaning of its verses and thus it is our limitation. This, then becomes our prime duty to make effort in understanding Quran to acquire all the diverse meanings of its verses.
So where is antichrist ( مسيح دجال ) in Quran ?
Allah has all the power over His creation and He has the power to bring out goodness from evil and vice versa. In Quran antichrist is hidden in the word masih ( المسيح ). Just to remind you Quran has hidden and manifested meaning of each of its word and they both manifest in this world sooner or later. Sometimes a Muslim is hidden in Kafir and sometimes Kafir is hidden in a Muslim. Sooner or later the hidden one has to come out.
That makes it clear that antichrist will appear before the appearance of Jesus Christ and will project himself as a savior of humanity, people will follow him, he will be able to do all the miracles previously given to Jesus Christ and this will further enhance the belief of people that he is the one, the savior. However he will not be able to act on the verses of Quran where only Isa ibn Maryam has been mentioned and the word masih omitted. That means he will not be able to call people toward Allah alone. This is the important characteristic of antichrist that he will look toward only this life, will have single vision, a single eye and so will forget the afterlife. Having a single vision, a single eye makes him double face . His outer side will be good, appealing and will have heaven while inner side evil, fearful and hell. In his times people will be in two groups. His followers ( so called Muslims of dajjal) will have outer comfort and heaven while one who will disobey him ( so called Kafirs of dajjal) will have fear and hell.
In the afterlife the situation will be reversed by Allah and Kafir of antichrist will be Muslim and Muslim of antichrist will be Kafir.
Remember, no one comes in this world except that his particles are present before in different people in different times. Antichrist will be collection of all the particles of humans who preceded him and acted in one way or another like an antichrist.
So when you see someone calling himself a savior of country or world nowadays, beware. When you see a person calling himself having a vision, beware. When you see double standards in living, justice and business, beware. When you see liars rising to high positions, beware. When you see crowd following an enchanted leader, beware. When you see visible heaven in this world made by people, beware. These all are seedlings of DAJJAL MASIH- THE ANTICHRIST.
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