Cause and effect, effect and its cause, a time old discussion in philosophy, theology, religion and scientific circles where each tried to answer it to the best and mostly left it as a theoretical question .
However it is always beneficial to understand a comprehensive concept of our world view as it helps to make sense of our surroundings and be more responsible in our daily working.
Know that the cause of all causes, effect of all effects is because of “AL- BAITH” (الباعث)
As Allah has ordered this Ism (name), all the causes are kept in order here and all the effects are kept in order here, one above the other so that one precede other while other antecede other and so on. With sheer Order they are linked to each other with strength and wisdom. You can see once they are linked they never get separated so when we see same cause and effect we call it a law e.g. law of gravity, law of motion etc.
This Ism – Al Baith- has been within us since the time of Adam. Due to this we are able to make a cause and produce its effects or vice versa in this world. The difference is that we do it in a linear fashion so one thing follows next and we perceive and understand it as such. When a cause precede an effect like moon has gravitational pull to cause tides it becomes a scientific knowledge but when an effect precede its cause it becomes magical knowledge. Truth is both are inherent in us because of this Ism- Al Baith. If both are inherent in us then what is our role? Remember you are the one to link them and give them an order in this world.
If this is true then we have great responsibility to link them with strength and wisdom and without them the earth will not survive. We are the cause. We are the effects. Linking both, we give rise to further “we” and so humanity survive. If we do it with weakness and ignorance most of the causes and most of the effects are improperly linked thus creating imbalance and injustice leading to ill effects and bad causes.
A day will come when you, causes you made, affects you made all will be raised separately and all the links will be broken, separately analyzed and you will answer to Allah what you caused and what you effect. That will be Day of all Al Baith (يوم يبعثون)
If we ascend to higher level you will realize that above this Ism everything is present in an orderly fashion. What does this mean? Understand that cause and effect both are present in your soul and they are connected to each other by intellect. Intellect neither cause nor effects, it only links them together. So you see a poor intellect poorly understand various causes and its effects while a good intellect deeply understand all the cause and effect.
Now intellect is another creation, a powerful one and with great wisdom if rightly guided. So above the level of intellect you do not have cause, you do not have effects but everything exists as it is in its own sphere.كل فى فلك يسبحون
Subhan Allah………. Beautiful concept .
Please write something as to how we can utilize this concept in our daily lives .
السلام عليكم
i will try to explain this concept in various manifestation soon and clarify it more. thanks