Remember that essentially all humans are inherent believers. Hence the first person, Adam, was a believer. A non-belief is an additional to this existent and inherent belief in them. So one who is a non believer has to turn back toward belief. As such belief is single and non belief is a dual entity. This means a non believer has to become a singularity from duality.
This conversion, this cycle is going on in the universal soul all the time. This circle is repeated in each of us. We as humans are constant conversion and transformation between belief and non belief, Eman and kufr. Light and darkness, Day and night.
Allah has asked you to return to belief, return to singularity. Quran tells us that the duality is from devil who joined us in our souls earlier in our stage. So our prime task becomes to shed or control the devil in this world and in later world devil will be separated from us.
This circle is essential to this process of separation. A believer works and produces good results, he grows, he illuminates. Thereafter the work, or the product is taken and buried . There it undergoes transformation into non belief, kufr. Again from this darkness inside the earth a tiny plant grows , it grows and finally again a belief is produced. Tree of belief gives fruit to common people who have forgotten there singularity. From the product or fruit seeds of belief are hidden in non belief of common people. When these seeds are buried again new trees of belief emerge and the circle keeps on repeating.
So you see as there are many people there are many circles, and as there are many non beliefs there are many circles to make all of them believe.