As humans we tend to forget. To forget something is so common among us that a certain amount of forgetness is considered normal behavior. Only when it exceeds a limit, we are bothered about it.
Forgetness apply to recall of a memory. Memory is a pattern, may it be words, image, experience or thought, stored in our brain from our birth till we die. Memory can be classified into conscious and unconscious memory, short and long term memory, sensory or semantic memory.
But what is memory? Who memorizes? What is the source of memory?
Allah has created memory before your creation. This property belongs to one of the asma ul husnah (اسماءالحسنى) – AL HAFEEZ.
AL HAFEEZ has everything registered, saved, memorized from the day of creation till the end of time.
Now this ism was fixed in Adam along with other asma ul husnah (اسماءالحسنى), and hence Adam registered and remembered everything from the day of creation till the end of time.
When Adam was deceived by Iblis (ابليس), the devil, he was descended down to this earth as a human, insaan (انسان), in a physical body, a body which was liable to forget. This nisa (نسا) is inherent in insaan (انسان), and hence we forget.
You can see what we really forgot was our creator, our creation, how we end and how we descended.
When a person dies, his soul is taken to task by AL HAFEEZ for how much he has forgotten and how much he remembered and accordingly the person suffers. Because majority of persons lead a life of forgotteness, this is his sin for which he suffers in AL HAFEEZ.
After the level of soul and its rabb (رب) i.e. AL HAFEEZ, comes the ruh (روح), the spirit. It has its own memory. It remembers only commandments, the commands of Allah. How much your ruh (روح), your spirit has remembered Allah’s command, it is assessed by Allah and accordingly rewarded or punished.
Hence you have three levels of memory. A physical level, a soul memory and a spirit, ruh (روح) memory. Each performing its function at its own level. You realize that most important function of memory is safety, to safeguard, to protect. So each memory protects you at its own level. Your physical memory will not help at soul level and your soul memory will not help at spirit level.
People who remembers at ruh (روح), spirit level, remembers all and thus has more permanence and everlasting presence. The soul level has intermediate remembrance and they sooner or later join the above or below group. The physical level has the least remembrance so you are not better off in this world and this world has poor memory. Don’t you see how many great names and great works in this world has been forgotten.
Each and every particle or wave no matter how small has a memory. So everything remembers and write. Due to this property you can store memory in virtually anything, the real test is how to retrieve it and retrieve it efficiently. At this physical level, physical memory is measured. So it has a limit as already stated physical domain has least remembrance. If we choose to store memory in metals, elements instead of ourselves we should not be surprised that after some years our memory will reduce while the memory of metals or elements will increase. So all the data you store on your hard disks it is being stored at the expanse of memory of human race.
A time will come when people will have short memories, what to say of day of creation they will not remember their own creation and certainly not remember their creator. Their memories will be in huge hard disks ready to be retrieved on demand.
To be honest , this article for me is a total different level …very new concepts for a worldly person like me but while reading what kept hitting me was ……how did the author understand this concept??
Also how is this memory our safe guard ,if u could explain this concept and then what left me wondering was ;how to build that memory at the spirit level?
memory is a safe vault. if you want to save some thought, some writing what you do? you save it on hard disk. hard disk keeps it in memory. similarly memory inside you is a safe vault. that is the reason Quran repeatedly say ” zikr” which means remember.