The easiest way of living is an Islamic way. This might look contradictory to what we see now a days but to understand real Islamic way, it should always be sought from Quran and not from what you see around you.
What Islam essentially does is that it gives you FREEDOM.
Islam gives you freedom to choose. Not only that you have a choice but from every choice again you have options leading to a righteous act.
By giving rule and command to one Allah, everyone is free from each other in Islam. This is unlike any other system where invariably some people are over some people thus making such a system intrinsically a controlled one, a slave system. In Islam your government, your ruler is under the same one rule of Allah so everyone has the same yardstick and criteria to assess their judgement and acts.
The act of greeting ” As Salaam alaikum” – peace upon you. No compulsory touching, gesture, handshake etc. Simple and hygienic.
The acts of worship are made easy for people who want to worship. Multiple times in a day are available to offer your prayer instead of limited time. You can offer prayer standing, sitting or lying as the circumstances may require.
The wudhu is simple. Wash hand and face. Touch (مس) head and feet. If water not available take earth dust and gentle rub on hand and face. Why prolong it?
Direction of qibla can be anywhere between two ends of your eyebrow (شطر). Why people argue on slight tilt of direction? No compass required.
Moon sighting is based on popular, well evident moon. The word is (شهر). As is (مشهور), famous, well known. No need for telescopes and special observatory. So why people disagree on moon sighting now a days.
Hajj to be performed once in a lifetime if you have the ability and capability. No burden. No need to take loan or credit or lease.
Hajj can be done in any days of four sacred month (الحج الشهر المعلومات). Can be on foot, road, rail or any means of transport. So now why Hajj is limited to five days instead of 120 days? Why direct easy roads constructed, toll free toward masjid haram?
Fasting easy and limited to day. Traveler and sick, and people over them, looking after them exempted. They can fast other days or give charity. Fasting is for common people (الناس) and people who have gained strength (يطيقونه) over the soul can fast or give charity.
Islam consider it a sin to follow someone (ذنوب). You are free to think and make new ways.
No compulsions (لا اكرا فى الدين). No forced labor. No rituals. No undue decorum (غير متكلفين)
High morality. Simple ways of living. Principle of life, work and righteous work. If you have plenty then work for others. So why there is hoarding, black money?
Be free and let other be free. Free the slaves. Free the prisoners. Free the animals. For four months no killing, not even the animals of land. Free trade. No riba.
You are at most ease when you are healthy. Islam show you ways of both physical and spiritual healthiness.
A study of Quran gives you all these and much more. Quran asks you to make it easy for others and guides you. Remember only in the zikr of Allah is calmness of heart. (تطمئن القلوب).
What you see now hardly reflects the true spirit of Islam. But it’s never too late to practice a real Islam and become a real Muslim.
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