Survival of Earth depends on you. As you live on this Earth hence your own survival depends on yourself.
One can argue that Earth has been there for millennia before any human appeared here and all this time it didn’t needed you then why now?
Know that appearance of humanity is not by chance or coincidence, it has a purpose. Purpose which is a commitment with Allah that you will look after this Earth from now on. So you are appointed as vice-regent here and care taker and not as a boss. Beware, all the bosses in the world they are going to face a tough time!
To perform this task you have all the help from Allah, HE is ever present to guide you and provide everything as required. But then what is the limitation in fulfilling this task. While Allah is ever present, you yourself set the limits and does not acknowledge all that is presented to you by REAL.
The process of disclosure is always going on, repetitively but you miss out on them because most of the humanity suffer from illnesses of:
- Negation (kufr)كفر ) ()
- Turning back, looking other way (ignore) (جهل )
- To lie and hide the disclosure ( كذ ب )
- Lack of understanding although facing the disclosure (اعمى )
- Forgetness ( نسيان )
- Acting contrary to it (criminal) ( مجرم )
Disclosure is ever present but you need a perfect and active mind, namely prefrontal cortex to access the door and grasp it and this is something which few humans do although all have the capability.
The doors (باب) keep on opening and closing, presenting different forms of knowledge but the reception of your brain is poor as a humanity. So very slowly and gradually your knowledge and development increases but in the meantime damage has been done to yourself and to this Earth and you realize it afterwards and then try to correct it. But for correction again you are slow to perceive and hence over centuries you lose this Earth.
Thus you should realize that an “Active mind” is required for perfect reception of disclosure and this is what humanity lacks while suffering from other illnesses as mentioned. You can say that disclosures ever present but you are not ever present with an active and open mind.
Note that even with active mind most of the humanity misses out the opportunity due to two activities:
- لهواً – play – so many people are playing around, engaged in physical, mental or emotional games, what we call as pastime activities.
- لعبً – intellectual, scientific, academic and philosophical discussion which engage the mind but restrict it from disclosure.
Presence of mind and openness is not a new idea but is necessary for your safety and survival of earth and this is what Islam is about. Your safety and earth safety. Islam stands for safety.
But you are doomed and so this is earth. Approximately 33% of population is below 20yr of age and has not matured enough to encompass the disclosure. 12% of population is above 65yr and very few of them can maintain highest level of mental activity. Rest of 55% of population, nearly 45% are followers, workers who may be highly educated in a system but do not perceive the disclosure. So 10% of population is receptive and they open their mind and door to waves of disclosure, but at any one moment half of this is asleep or taking a nap and 3 -4% suffer from the illnesses as mentioned, so we are probably left with 1% or less to engage with ever present disclosure.
Another problem is that as a humanity you are divided into nations, community, groups and sect. So each one of them has its own disclosure from REAL and each of them thinks that they have perceived the truth so they walk their own way, thus not acting as one or whole. This division of you creates multiple face of reality while to truly enter the safety or Islam you have to act as one.
Now you can see how many good opportunities for improvement and safety are lost, and how so little of humanity engage in it, thus you lag behind and is never prepared for the doomsday to strike.
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